Sunday, May 22, 2005

What a weekend.

Let's see, what's happened since I posted last?

I think I've mentioned T before - we've been talking via e-mail and phone since the beginning of April, and the conversations were going well. He was downtown for an interview on Friday and called to see if I'd like to go to lunch. Of course I said yes, and we had a nice time. He e-mailed Friday night, said he had a good time at lunch and that we should get together again, and said he'd call on Saturday (yesterday). Thus far, he's been very good about doing what he said he would - for example, he'd said he'd call one night, and he did call, just to tell me he'd just gotten home from his son's band recital and would it be OK if he called the next night. I mean, how many people think to call to let you know it's turned out not to be a good time to talk after all? Most people would have just thought, oh, I'll call tomorrow, and never given it a second thought. So anyway, he'd said on Friday that he'd call Saturday. Saturday came and went - no call, no e-mail. Hmm. Today has come and gone - no call, no e-mail. Based on what I know of T thus far, this seems to be pretty out of character. I can't decide whether I'm annoyed or concerned. I'd e-mailed him back Friday, so now I guess I just wait a bit and see if I hear from him.

In other news: I spent most of Saturday in the ER, fun, fun. I started having a pain in my left side on Friday evening, and it got worse until I was in tears. I didn't cry after my c-section, I didn't cry after my lap-band, I didn't cry when J head-butted me square in the nose (although I did say a couple of words he probably shouldn't learn) - I don't cry over pain very often. So the fact that this hurt so much I was crying was slightly worrisome to me. It still hurt Saturday morning, so J stayed with K (and was oh, such a handful for his daddy - "I want, I don't want, I'm so tired I don't know what I want, I think I'll just sit down and scream!!!") and I took myself to the ER. Six hours, bloodwork, a CT scan, and a $50 copay later, they couldn't tell me what the problem was. OY. So I had an IV stuck in my hand (which actually hurt more than my pain, I think), drank a vat of nasty-tasting stuff, and squandered a perfectly good Saturday for that. On the bright side, the pain was less last night, and today it seems to be mostly gone as long as I don't move too quickly. Maybe I just pulled a muscle? I have no clue.

The freaky thing is, K's dad was in the ER yesterday for a kidney stone - pain in the same place, had a CT scan, pretty much just like my day. And today he's feeling better. That's an interesting coincidence, no?

I'm tired, I think I'll call it a night. Tomorrow it's back to work. Blech.

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