Saturday, June 26, 2010

Enter the kettlebell, again

I said some time ago that I was going to start working out with my kettlebell. I didn't really follow through on that. But now I'm starting again. Brian found this workout:

The woman in the article lost 100 pounds in a year with the workout listed. I'm not sure my schedule allows for me to follow as strict a diet as she did, but I'm going to do the workout and eat sensibly (not much soda, cut back on sugars and processed foods, eat more fruits and veggies and whole grains), and see where I end up in a year.

I like numbers, so I'm keeping track of how much weight I lift with my workouts. Here's what I've done so far. I use a 15-pound kettlebell right now.

First workout

7 one-arm swings with the left arm (x 15 pounds = 105 total pounds lifted)

7 one-arm swings with the right arm (x 15 pounds = 105 total pounds lifted)

7 DARC's (swings switching from the left arm to the right, so 14 alternating one-arm swings x 15 pounds = 210 total pounds lifted)

Workout total: 420 pounds in 28 swings. Brian has been keeping track of his numbers this way for his kettlebell workout, and when you see the sheer amount of weight lifted in a relatively short time, it's impressive. I like impressive numbers, so that's my motivation - that and the before and after pics of the woman who used this workout successfully. I like playing with weights, and it helps that Brian is doing something similar.

Last night's workout

10 one-arm swings with the left arm (x 15 pounds = 150 total pounds lifted)

10 one-arm swings with the right arm (x 15 pounds = 150 total pounds lifted)

10 DARC's (swings switching from the left arm to the right, so 20 alternating one-arm swings x 15 pounds = 300 total pounds lifted)

Tonight's total: 600 pounds in 40 swings

Grand total: 1020 pounds in 68 swings

I'll have to post some "before" pictures soon (I haven't really lost a lot of weight after two workouts!).