Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Another quick fly-by

The J-man was sick all weekend. Went to the doc on Monday - viral throat infection and sinus infection. He's on antibiotics and some cough syrup/decongestant with codeine. You'd think it would knock him right out, but no. At least he took a 2 1/2 hour nap while we were home on Monday, so he and I both got some much-needed rest (Sunday night was just brutal, fever, chills, all sorts of fun stuff). He's better now, not quite back to 100%, but better. I had to laugh - when I pulled into the parking lot at daycare this morning, I said, "yay, school!" J said, "Stop it, mama, I no like school." I said, well, then, what do you want to do if you don't want to go to school? He looked at me with this big cheesy grin and said, "Go home!" LOLOL Yeah, buddy, you got a day off with mama and decided that was way more fun than school, I know how you work!

And it was too funny - when I picked him up yesterday, one of the little girls in his class was trying her darnedest to give him a hug, and he was having nothing to do with it. Girls - so it begins.... LOL

Looks like the loan may close on Monday. Woo hoo!!!! Mama's going mattress shopping!!! I woke up this morning with my back just killing me. The one on my bed right now is absolute crap. I am SO looking forward to sleeping on something that doesn't cause me pain. And I'll be getting a new home computer, too, so hopefully I can blog more often (I'm hesitant about getting on too much at work, which is why I've kind of disappeared recently).

Other than that, it's just work, eat, sleep, and damn, do I ever need to find time for exercise. I'm thinking about buying a punching bag and taking up boxing. What do y'all think? Anyone have any experience with that?

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