Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sweet mother of mercy....

I. Have. My. PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just for grins, I thought I'd check my external hard drive, not even thinking of pictures being there - after all, I had gotten all those funky error messages during backups, and I hadn't been able to boot from the external drive. Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit, but ALL my data is there. My pictures, my music, my job search stuff, EVERYTHING. I am so happy, I'm crying. I've just uploaded over 300 pictures to Shutterfly, and that's just J's first four months of life. I'm uploading EVERY picture I have, good, not so good, you name it. I am backing them ALL up six ways to Sunday, because I don't ever want to be afraid I've lost them all again. Yeah, I know, they're just pictures, but they're my memories of my sweet baby boy.

Have I mentioned that I'm really, really, REALLY happy right now? I'm going to feel like shit on a stick when the alarm goes off in four hours, but I don't care. Work, schmork, I've got my pictures back!


crazycatlady said...

I'm so happy for you...I know how it is when you loose pictures that mean so much to you. Happy picture saving...

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

I've uploaded almost 800 pics now, and I'm not done yet! I'm just so, so happy to have them when I thought I didn't.