Tuesday, January 30, 2007

And the verdict is in

Flu AND bronchitis, yay! It's a mild case of the flu, a not sol mild case of the bronchitis (hence the horrid cough, I was awake from about midnight to about 3 AM hacking and coughing). The doc gave me an antibiotic for the bronchitis, and daytime and nighttime cough meds (including the super-duper fabulous Vicodin in a bottle). I'm not contagious at this point, she doesn't think, so that's good. I'm just thankful J hasn't gotten sick - hooray for Airborne Jr., is all I've got to say.

I'm debating whether I should take tomorrow off, too. Isn't that sad, that I've got flu and bronchitis and am even debating going in to work?! I think I'll go ahead and schedule the day off, and if by some miracle I feel tons better tomorrow, I can always un-schedule it. I don't feel *bad*, necessarily, this damned cough is just wiping me out and making me hurt all over.


Judy said...

Poor baby. I had the flu for the first time a couple of years ago and if I never get it again it will be too soon. I was soooo sick. I used to get bronchitus every winter, but I've been fortunate the past few years.

Stay out of work until you feel better. Dr. Judy Mom says so :-)

Chris Wasielewski said...

Stay home!!! For yourself and your coworkers!!

I watched a recent 20/20 type show on this exact topic and in a survey of a ton of employers the bulk of them said, they'd rather employees stay home. So fight the urge of "I have to go, or my boss will be upset". Chances are it'll be better for all! Take J to daycare so you can have a day in bed!


Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

in a survey of a ton of employers the bulk of them said, they'd rather employees stay home

Chris, clearly they didn't ask my employer. LOL I'm staying home, though.

Judy, will you write me a note? :-)

Melissa said...

I hope you are home! You shouldn't be going into work sick...stay home and relax! You deserve it for sure!

Eleanor said...

Hey- I'll write you a note ;) Hope you're home resting...

justkc said...

Oh no, Lisa, I hope you are feeling better today!