Thursday, May 26, 2005

It was a day before I ever got out the door

Well. It's been an interesting morning already, and it's not even 9:30 yet.

First, J woke up wet. They've apparently revamped the Huggies GoodNites, and the underpants were disintegrating. I found him in his bed, pulling little bits of pee-soaked stuffing out of the underpants and scattering them around the bed. So I got him out of bed, took off the underpants...and then smelled poo. I noticed four or five brown blotches on the carpet right around the time J said, "Mama, I got poo-poo on my foot!" So I was trying to get him cleaned up, get the poo off his foot without him getting any more of it on the carpet, get the poo off the carpet, keep J from sitting in the poo before I got it up off the carpet, and just generally having a good time. I also had to get the sheet and mattress pad off the bed and into the wash and dispose of the underpants without leaving a trail of soggy pee-soaked diaper filling throughout the house. It was a day before I ever got out the door this morning. *SIGH*

And second, R called this morning. I've mentioned R just briefly before - we'd gone out a couple of times, and he'd then told me he didn't want to get too serious about anything before I got my life straightened out, but we continued to talk a bit. Well, he's engaged. I was surprised, to put it mildly. He'd mentioned not too long ago that he'd started dating someone and thought something about what if Lisa were available (which, I must confess, I found pretty flattering :) ). So I knew he wasn't just twiddling his thumbs waiting on me to get my life straight, and that's OK - I couldn't ask that of him, and wouldn't expect him to wait on me indefinitely. But wow, I never expected him to get engaged so quickly! I guess this just means he's at a place in his life where he's ready to be in a serious relationship, and that wouldn't have worked for me. I like him a lot, and I'd have loved to have had the chance to see where things might have gone, but I wouldn't have been ready to be engaged or married anytime soon. So I reckon he and I just weren't meant to be. I wished him well, and we're going to stay friends and stay in touch. That will be nice, it's always good to have friends.

And now I'm at work, and up to my eyeballs in things to do. I am so looking forward to Monday off, even if daycare is closed and I spend the day running after the wild man of Borneo. :)

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