Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Ever tried to pick green peas up off the carpet?

It's been a long evening. It started when I picked J up from daycare and he didn't want to go home because he wanted to stay there and play with a truck. Then we had to go potty before we left. Then he wanted to climb up on the decorative carousel horse that's out in the entryway of daycare. Then he wanted to pick rocks up in the parking lot. Some days, getting him to go home is harder than dropping him off, and that's just a puzzle to me.

When we got home, J asked for green beans. He'd been asking K for green beans, too. I told him I didn't have green beans, I had green peas, did he want those. He said yes, so I fixed some green peas. Almost the whole can eventually made its way onto his plate, and he ate almost all that he took. But before he could finish, I heard a shriek. I thought he was hurt, and I ran frantically to where he was, asking if he was OK. He was just sobbing, saying, "Mama, I spilled, I spilled!" His plate was in the floor, upside down, which meant green peas and hamburger and pears had gone everywhere. UGH. And of course, I fix my green peas with a little butter. Have you ever tried to pick up buttered green peas off of carpet? It's no easy task, I assure you. Now my carpet is more revolting than ever, I don't think any amount of spot remover will help, although I tried. If I get a decent tax refund this year (I should, being as how I'm paying beaucoup interest on the house refinance), I'm using it to get new floors. I guess technically it would be a refund for me and K, since we'd probably still file jointly for 2005. Maybe he'll be generous and offer to share if floors would cost more than half of what we got back.

Speaking of things financial - we must be WAY under market at my current job in terms of salary. A college friend (my friend Don, if any of you remember mention of him from when I got my reading a few weeks ago) works at a competitor institution, and is kindly checking around for me on the job front. In the course of conversation, he sent one listing he'd found on their website and said it was the only one he'd found in Dallas, but I was probably overqualified for it and the salary probably wasn't what I was hoping for. This was for a support-type job, not even what I do now. I told him that the listing he'd found pays about what I currently make, and he said he was surprised, he'd have thought I'd be making close to $100,000 by now. Don't I wish! But how pitiful is that, that a support position there pays the same as what I make here?! So we'll see what comes of that.

I'd better get some sleep. More later.


Holly said...

Seeing your post is the EXACT reason we bought a carpet steam cleaner when I was still pregnant with Alexis and boy has it ever been handy!! It was an item a "vteran mom" told us we had to buy or else we'd pay later!

JamDaddy said...

I agree! The first item we bought when the wife was late was a steam cleaner. We are now on our second one and I can say it is one of the best invenstments I have ever made. The new ones cost about what a good vaccum runs and do a great job and can be whipped out in a minute for even little jobs like peas and pears.