Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Three going on thirty

I took advantage of J's time with his dad this past weekend to do a little rearranging. When he went to check out the alarm, K had moved J's train table into the music room. Well, it was in there, but things were a bit chaotic, so I decided to do something about it. When J came back on Sunday, his train table was there, with his trains organized in plastic containers under it. His Fisher-Price Little People things were organized as well, with people and miscellaneous pieces in one container and vehicles in another (I'm amazed at how many different Little People things are out there). The music room looked pretty good, if I do say so myself. When K brought J back, I told him I'd rearranged some things, to come with me and I'd show him where I'd put things. He took one look into the music room and said, "Oh, wow! What's this all about?" I nearly hurt myself laughing. "What's this all about" coming from the mouth of a three-year-old just struck me as funny, and I have no idea where he added that to his vocabulary. There's no way to tell what will come out of his mouth next.

I think J is going to play the guitar. Everything he watches, if there's a guitar part, that's his favorite part. On the Wiggles, Murray is his favorite - Murray plays the guitar, and J must play along. Our current favorite thing is Lilo & Stitch. For those of you who haven't seen it, Lilo is an Elvis fan, and there's one scene in the movie where she turns Stitch into an Elvis impersonator and he plays the guitar. J loves it - he'll shout, "I have to get my guitar, I have to play!" and go grab his cheapie guitar and jump up and down and "play" along. It shouldn't be a surprise, K plays and J has always (once he got over the fear of how loud a guitar can sound run through an amp) been fascinated with them. Who knows, maybe he'll grow up to be a rock star. :-)

And thanks to Stitch, we listen to Elvis in the car now. Good thing I like it. Stitch is all we watch, Elvis is all we hear. I got a portable DVD player, which should come in handy on the road trip over Labor Day weekend. I'm thinking I won't need to change the DVD much, though - I have a feeling it will be all Stitch, all the time.

Other than that, I don't have too much to write about at the moment. Or maybe I do, but I just don't have the energy to write about it. Hopefully that will change now that I'm starting to work out regularly.

I'd better get back to work - the end of the month is almost here, and there are phone calls yet to make. Ugh.

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