Friday, August 05, 2005

My reading

After my astrological/intuitive reading last Saturday, I came across my deck of Wicca cards (I'd just about forgotten I had them!), and decided to do a reading for myself. I wanted to write down the outcome - the position of each card, the card I drew, what it means. I thought it was pretty interesting. Here goes! (And I realize this may not be interesting to anyone but me - if you're bored, feel free to stop reading! LOL)

Huh. I just read this about the layout I used - the Star Spread. My book says, "Use this spread for revelations about your soul purpose, potential and lessons. This is a deep reading, and should not really be used more than twice a year."

Card 1
Positional meaning: Saturn. Saturn is the planet of lessons and timing. Saturn reveals what needs attention, what is needed for soul growth. It points to the limitations you place upon yourself, or that are put upon you, in order for you to see what you may have missed.

Card drawn: Gaia (Healing). Gaia is offering you the seed of healing. You have the healing touch at the moment and will find that your vibrations resonate well with those in need of help or guidance. By deepening your connection with the earth and all of nature's gifts, you will find that your skills and abilities are given the chance to grow as you celebrate that you, too, are a child of nature. Your gifts are many at the moment. Mothering issues are highlighted. Expect a healing to occur. Try to be unconditional in the love that you give out to others at this time. Heal your relationships, for in so doing you also heal yourself.

My thoughts: This immediately brought to mind what's been going on with my dad. Talk about something that needs healing.

Card 2
Positional meaning: Moon. The Moon is the planet of the inner personality, those things that are hidden in your subconscious. The Moon represents inner-world influences, the intuitive voice, the revealer, and the card in position 2 on the Star Spread will point to those factors, people or circumstances that are motivating your soul at the present time, for good or ill.

Card drawn: Crone (release). The Crone sees that you are being called to the wisdom place, to go within and release any attachments to the outside world at the moment, so that you can gather understanding of your current experiences and so make sense of your life. A maturity is called for that gives no place to familiar emotional patterns or thought processes, but rather uses each opportunity to see beyond the illusions of small self and so step into a far greater reality. The Crone coming into your life now shows that you have just experienced (or will shortly experience) a change or release that requires some deep responses. You are being advised to let go and let life shape itself.

My thoughts: Um, hello, my whole life lately is a change that requires deep responses! And the part about going within really struck a chord with my inclination to keep more to myself.

Card 3
Positional meaning: Mercury. Mercury is the planet of communication, study, and travel in the physical and spiritual dimensions. Mercury reveals your potential and what you could consider learning from your current life circumstances. It also shows what the lessons are likely to be.

Card drawn: Broomstick (cleansing). Your energy is potent. You have the ability to see what needs to be cleared away. Therefore, this is a good time to sort out the various cupboards of your life, and make sure that they are fresh and up-to-date. Broomstick reminds you to enjoy who you are. It may also increase psychic awareness.

My thoughts: I'm doing a whole lot of clearing out these days, literally and figuratively.

Card 4
Positional meaning: Jupiter. Jupiter reveals the forces that are available to bring assistance, comfort and support to you. If a negative card falls here, it will reveal those forces that may be blocking your way forward through self-imposed attitudes or from necessity.

Card drawn: Book of Shadows (experience). Gathering experiences is the tone of this card. Journeys of discovery in your inner and outer world will provide a rich fabric with which to weave your life. The Book of Shadows writes each chapter of your life. Embrace and welcome these experiences, because they are the teachers and will show you the ways of the wise if you let them do so. Explore yourself and explore possibilities. By doing so, you will make discoveries beyond your imagination. Be wise and understanding. Whenever you are deep in the dark night, remember that life is changing. You are about to have worthwhile experiences.

My thoughts: If the last year or so hasn't been a learning experience, I don't know what is.

Card 5
Positional meaning: Venus. Venus is a feminine planet of love and harmony. She reveals what you can expect to gain from your current course, and what you are being asked to give or look at.

Card drawn: Owl (wisdom keeper). Owl shows that your life direction has led you to places of wisdom and understanding, and that you are (or have been) successfully navigating your way through some dark nights of the soul. You are being advised to spend time in silence, away from the crowd, so that you can make very personal decisions about your life path and soul direction. Owl is watching and guiding your soul to its rightful place in the universe. Trust the process and know that this time of separation from social situations is necessary so that you can hear the quieter song in your heart. If your soul has been calling for direction, it is on its way. If asking a question of the cards, the answer is to navigate your way carefully. In times of darkness, we reach out for solidity, for normality. Don't be tempted to hold on to something just because it is there. Trust that Owl will navigate your soul through the night, through your fears, so that you emerge to a new day with clearer vision and a firm understanding of your soul purpose this time around. Expect there to be a death of the old around you, and trust that all will still be well.

My thoughts: Well, this one reached right out and whopped me over the head. The bit about spending time in silence, away from the crowd, away from social situations - haven't I been thinking about that? The part about not being tempted to hold on to something just because it's there - I don't need to hold on to K and my marriage just because he's here and my marriage is what's familiar and known to me. And my marriage is gone for all essential purposes, so I guess you could say that the old around me has died. I'm doing my best to trust that all will be well.

Card 6
Positional meaning: Mars. Mars, a masculine planet, will suggest the course of action. This can be in thought, word, or deed - whatever area is currently highlighted in your life, Mars will reveal a positive step to take.

Card drawn: Serpent (power). When Serpent enters your life, you can be assured that creative energy is high. Like the phoenix rising out of the ashes, you have the ability to rise to any challenges at the moment. Serpent is associated with Kundalini, the energy of creation. You may have to shed a skin, having outgrown something in your life. Serpent power brings to you the gift of intimacy. Observe how you crave or avoid close contact with others. Let your power rise and express itself in all areas of your life; being as wise as the serpent with any directions you consider.

My thoughts: I've outgrown my marriage, I'm shedding it. And one thing I thought was really interesting - in Dance of the Dissident Daughter (a book I've been reading - many, many thoughts on it, I just haven't taken time to write), the author talks about how, before Christianity, snakes were a symbol of and associated with the Goddess and the feminine. Interesting, then, how the snake was chosen as the villain in the Garden of Eden story - possibly patriarchal Christianity trying to stamp out vestiges of goddess worship?

Card 7
Positional meaning: Sun. The Sun represents the face we present to the world and your soul's overall destiny. If you draw a card you don't feel positive about, you are being shown which clouds need to be cleared away before your sun can truly shine.

Card drawn: Bell (awakening). Bell appearing in a reading indicates that this is a time for celebration, for ceremony and for change. You are invited to step into a new situation as a result of waking up to a call from spirit. This could be a marriage, a new job, new beginning, but whatever it is, you can be assured that spirit is listening to your needs. Prepare yourself for an increase in your power, and remember that spirit always heeds a call, so word questions and prayers with care and attention to detail. Your words carry meaning at the moment, as do the words of those around you. Listen. What is calling you? What do you wish to call for?

My thoughts: Another one that reached out and whopped me over the head. Change doesn't even begin to describe my life. I'm leaving my marriage, questioning the faith I grew up in, and looking diligently for a new job - that's a lot!

And that was my reading. In light of the astrology/intuitive reading I had done, and all the things I've been reading lately, it struck me as very interesting and fitting indeed.

I'm going to finish my wine, have some ice cream, and get some sleep.

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