Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sunday Scribblings - Destination

Sunday Scribblings offers weekly prompts, things to write about. I thought I'd give it a try. I figured it would be a nice change to have something in my blog other than me whining about life.
This week's topic is Destination.

Destination. What is my destination? What is my destiny? Where am I going? Where would I like to go?

You can take that in a literal, physical way. I'd like to go to Italy someday. To Scotland, to Greece, to a host of places I've never been. I don't really expect that any of those will happen in 2007, as finances are horribly tight right now, but someday I'd like to visit them. In 2007, I just hope to have an actual vacation, rather than using all my vacation days for illness, home repair, and automotive disasters.

You can also take it in an emotional and mental way. I hope that in 2007, my destinations will include: a new job (dare I say it, something that could be a career), a happy, committed relationship (with Brian? It's looking like that could happen), and a stronger faith.

As for destiny, I have not the first clue what mine might be. That's the beauty of life - a lot of times, you don't know what your destiny is until you get there and look back at how you got there.


Rethabile said...

Hope you get to all the places you yearn to visit. And have a happy 2007...

Crafty Green Poet said...

Scotland is wonderful (maybe I'm biased -e I live here). Italy too! Enjoy your travels - literal and emotional....