Wednesday, February 02, 2005


That's how I feel today. Blech. No specific reason, just a general lack of enthusiasm.

We had some excitement at work yesterday. The fire alarm went off around 4:35, and we all trooped down the seven flights of stairs to the street level. (Thank goodness we weren't in our old building, we were on the 29th floor there!) There were firefighters there and you could smell smoke, and we were all told to go outside. So we herded around for a bit, and a lot of us decided, screw it, it's close enough to 5:00 (it was about 4:45 by this point), we aren't waiting around to go back in. So I at least got to leave a little early out of the deal.

My leg doesn't hurt quite so much today. It seems to be healing up OK, but I may still go to the dermatologist on Monday. I had the appointment scheduled to take the stitches out. That's not entirely necessary anymore, but it looks like there's still a little bit of one stitch in there, and I'm hesitant to just yank it out myself. At any rate, I'm not ready to run a marathon, but it's not quite the misery it has been, so that's progress.

I've got a crapload to do, so I'd better get back to it. More later!

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