Monday, August 14, 2006

Like a hamster on a wheel

That's what I feel like some days. Run run run run and get nowhere. I got to work this morning and felt like I'd gained twenty pounds just from pulling into the parking garage. It's that oppressive to me to be here. Ugh. So, needless to say, the job search continues.

But let's talk about other things for a bit. J slept all night in his own bed last night. No middle-of-the-night wandering down the hall to find mama and climb in my bed. Not that I mind snuggles from my little boy (because too soon he'll reach that age where he'd rather eat nails than have mama kiss or hug him!), but it was nice not to have the interruption to my sleep. It surprised me when I woke up this morning and didn't have a little boy's foot up my nose. LOL (He's a fairly squirmy sleeper at times, although he's getting better about that.)

And next week, J starts pre-K! He has an actual school supply list. That just floors me. I'm going to have to put it in his scrapbook (when I get everything put in there). He's been in the habit of bringing toys to school, and I found out that the pre-K teacher doesn't allow that. So I've already told him that Ms. Shannon won't let him have toys in class and whatever we bring needs to stay in the car when he goes to school. He's gone along with that, no muss, no fuss. So that's been an easier adjustment than I was expecting, which is nice.

In other news, K and J are going on a road trip this weekend! They're going to Louisiana to see K's parents. I think this will be K's first big trip with J by himself. I'm sure he's a little nervous - I know I was the first time I took off cross-country. But they'll be fine. J is a surprisingly good little traveler, and this is even without a DVD player in the car. :-) As long as he's got toys and trucks and the occasional snack or drink, he's good. He's even good about letting you know when he needs to make a stop. I'm debating whether I should send the CD of Bedtime Stories and Farm Songs and Playtime Songs along on the trip - I'm sure J would love to hear "Hansel and Gretel" and "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" over and over and over again on the 350-mile drive! Nah, that might be kind of cruel of me to do that to K, you think? I'll spare him. This time. ;-)

They'll be traveling back on Monday, so that leaves me three nights and two whole days of me time! Wow. I might actually make some candles on Sunday afternoon, or work on my calligraphy, or cook some meals ahead, or pull out my cross-stitch stuff for the first time in forever, or practice the piano. Or a little bit of everything. I'll actually be *early* to work next Monday - what a concept!


Erin said...

So, I was thinking today. You & J should drive up to Montana and meet up with me & my boys. We can hunt for everyones missing motivation together. *lol* It would be fun though. ;)

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Woo hoo, road trip! :-) That would be fun. Can you imagine your holy terrors and mine? They could run rampant while we try to find all the missing motivation. LOLOL Maybe they'd burn off a ton of energy, and we'd finally get some rest!