Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Are we sure it's not Monday?

I know it's Tuesday, but damn, it feels like Monday. The poo-poo has been flying fast and furious since I got here this morning. I wish I could have gone along with J's suggestion - when I went to get him out of bed, he rolled over and said, "It's not time to go to school. School is closed. Let's get back in the bed!" If only I could have gone along with that one...!

K has a date this weekend. I'm glad for him. No, really. I know he wasn't completely happy in our marriage for a long time - obviously there was some need I wasn't meeting or maybe just couldn't meet. So if he's not happy with me, I want him to go find someone who does make him happy. And if at the moment it's not Ms. Right but Ms. Right Now, well, then, that's OK, too. So hopefully he can go out and have a good time. I know it probably seems weird to some of you reading that I'd say that - you'd think I might be more upset about my not-quite-ex going out. But really, I'm not. Two years ago, would I have been upset? Absolutely. But now? No. I just want him to be happy and to keep on being a good dad to J.

Let's see, what else is happening in my little corner of the world? Other than the insanity that is work and the occasional power struggle with my child, not much. I'm just trying to make it through the day.

More later, it's back to the grindstone.

1 comment:

Kalleigh Hathaway said...

Weird? I'm so jealous! I'm sure my X2B will remain single long after he receives offers just to make me feel bad for ruining his life. All I ever want is for him to be happy. I think I want it for him more than he does. He just wants to be comfortable and not try, and that's much easier with a wife who takes your BS than alone or finding someone new.