Monday, July 18, 2005

It feels like Monday

The weekend was all right. A friend of mine hosted a Pampered Chef party on Saturday (I'm a PC consultant), and it went well. We only had three other people there, but it was fun. Hey, cooking, talking about cooking, and getting to eat, what's not to like? :)

I did go to Little Gym on Saturday with J and K. I know it was K's weekend, but J was so glad to see me, I was really glad I went. :) How can you not be happy when your child sees you and comes running, hollering, "mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy" and bouncing up and down? I'm not going to go every weekend - after all, it's not really completely "my" free weekend if I'm always going to Little Gym on Saturdays. But I don't mind going occasionally.

K's parents will be here this weekend for J's birthday and party. Should be interesting. They didn't take the news of the separation too well, and I hate that this is so hard for them. But it's like I told K - he and I have had two years to get used to the idea and to talk through it, where his parents haven't. Hopefully once they really realize that we're all doing OK, they won't be so distressed about it. Not that I think they'd ever be OK with the idea, but I hope they can come to see that we can still get along, that J will be fine, that they'll still get to see J, that I'm OK, that K is OK, and that while this may not be the path anyone thought we'd take when K and I got married almost 11 years ago, it's not the end of the world.

And speaking of J's birthday - wow, I can't believe my baby boy will be THREE!!!! Seems like just yesterday he was this little bitty baby who didn't do much more than eat and sleep and poop, and who could rest his feet on my arm and fit his head under my chin. And now he's this huge, independent, stubborn, headstrong, intelligent, talkative, busy little boy who's very much his own person, who throws everything that comes to hand, who doesn't always mind his mama, and who makes my world light up when he calls me "mama" (or "mommy", whichever he's using at the moment!). Who knew I could love someone so very much?!

He's all excited about his birthday. He keeps asking about presents and if he gets all the presents. He's requested a cake with Thomas the Tank Engine on it. I'm sure it will be a day of too much stimulation and too much sugar, and he'll have lots of fun.

And now for something completely different. I've been thinking a bit about not trying to get out and meet people. I'm thinking about using the time I have to myself to work on projects around my house (God knows there are plenty), and going out with girlfriends if I want to get out of the house. I'm thinking I need to spend some time just being "Lisa" before I really think about spending significant amounts of time with a guy. I've never been of the mindset that I *need* a man to support me or make me complete or some other such train of thought, I know I can take care of myself. So it's not like I'm desperate to jump back into a relationship. I'm thinking it's time to just be by myself for a bit. I haven't decided 100%, but that's the way I'm leaning.

It's only 3:00?! Ugh, will this day never end?


The Anti-Wife said...

Hey...I did PC eons ago. I loved it, but it wasn't worth the time.

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

I just like it because I get discounts on stuff! :)