Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors

but I think that God's got a sick sense of humor. Why else would my child have been awake from 1:45 to 4:30 AM?!?! I feel like the butt of a big cosmic joke sometimes, and this is one of those times. Last night, bedtime was great. Tonight, I've paid for it dearly. It's enough to almost make me wish I never got those serendipitous nights of easy bedtimes. The price I always seem to pay the next night is just too high.

He woke up wet, but I didn't realize it until he'd wandered into the living room and started picking up toys. So we changed. Back in bed. Then began the litany - want milk, wanna rock, there's a monster in my blankie (this is a new one, we had to send the monster outside), and just NOT SLEEPING. I don't know why he couldn't sleep. He was yawning like a little Pez-head. We rocked, we had milk, I tucked him in, rubbed his back. And the really cruel thing? He'd settle down for five or ten minutes, just enough to where I'd think he might be going on to sleep. Then I'd hear the sound of little feet coming down the hall. At 4:00 he got out of bed and was so tired he didn't even make sense when he talked. I rocked him for about 20 minutes and then put him back in bed. He mumbled something nonsensical and rolled over and FINALLY slept. But now there's just no point in me going to sleep. The alarm goes off at 5:15, and if I'd gone to sleep at 4:30, I'd have overslept (I'm sorry, 45 minutes' sleep doesn't even qualify as a good nap in my book). So I'm awake.

This means I'll be functioning on about two hours' sleep today. I was up until about 12, fixing things for the crockpot and doing a little bit around the house. I have a training class from 10 to 12 today - anyone want to bet on how long I'll be there before I fall asleep? It's definitely a coffee day, and even with that, it's still going to suck ass. I just hope J is so tired tonight that we don't have a repeat performance.

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