Thursday, July 07, 2005

Maybe this was what they meant

My horoscope talked about unexpected financial surprises today. Well, I just found out that I'm not getting a raise this year. That's no surprise, I didn't *expect* to get one. It still sucks, but I'm not surprised. If that's all the financial bad news I get today, I can handle it.

We've been watching coverage of the London bombings in the break room. Why are people so nasty? I don't understand, and it makes me sad. And seeing things like this makes me wish I worked somewhere other than downtown Dallas. Here's a picture of the Dallas skyline. See that tallest building? It's the tallest in Dallas, I think. It was across the street from my old building, and it's only a few blocks from the building we've moved to. Supposedly it was a possible target for 9/11. I don't know for sure that that's true, but even the thought of it being considered is scary enough. And K works in the pointy building. If anything were to ever happen in downtown Dallas, we'd both be here, with J in daycare 30 miles away. Dallas is a big place, and those buildings are a very recognizable part of the skyline. I wish I worked somewhere not so near something that could be a very attractive target for people seeking to do harm. At least I don't live right in town.


Kalleigh Hathaway said...

I'm identifying with a lot of what you're writing today. I work in a state office building triangularly sandwiched between a city building and a federal building. Anyone who wanted to park a van with a bomb in the right place would take all three of us out. I wonder about that sometimes, and think if it could happen in Oklahoma, it could happen here.

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

And isn't it sad that we have to think that way? Now that you mention it, there are probably three different federal courthouses within a half-mile radius of where our building is. Blech.