Saturday, July 09, 2005

Insert clever title here

Because I'm too tired to think of one. It's been a rather tiring couple of days.

Yesterday was just the usual workday. Today J actually slept until about 7:45 (at least I guess he was sleeping, he wasn't making enough noise to wake me up before then), and didn't get out of bed until almost 8:00. So I got a little more sleep than usual, which is always nice.

Then we went to Little Gym. Seems like the routine is becoming, get dressed, leave the house all excited about it, get close and realize we're right by Target, throw a screaming fit to go to Target, go to Little Gym anyway, and run until we're worn out. (Seriously, that's how J spends most of class - just running back and forth across the gym, occasionally stopping to climb on something and jump off!) But we had a good time. I had no idea it was going to be so much exercise for me, too! I was proud of him - he's been sticking real close to me (or to K, when he's been there), and today he actually took off on his own and ran around for a little bit. Not the whole time, but he's getting a little more willing to venture away from mama, which is good. :)

After that we went to Target, since I needed to pick up a few things and J does love it so. We very nearly left with nothing. He picked out one toy and we walked away from the toy section to finish shopping. Then he started whining that he wanted a train (after we'd already seen and passed up the trains - not like he hadn't had opportunity to pick one out). I told him no, we'd gotten a tractor, we were going to pay for that and for our things and go home. Let the screaming begin - he was probably howling loud enough to be heard in the next county. So I took him out of the cart, screaming and thrashing, left the cart there with my stuff in it, and carried him outside. It's a real challenge for me to hang on to 40+ pounds of yowling, squirming boy, especially when he doesn't particularly want to be carried, and I just made it out of the store before I had to put him down. We stood there for a minute, and by now he was asking for his tractor. I asked him if he was going to calm down, and he said yes. So we took a couple minutes' breather and then finished our shopping. If he started to grump, the threat of going outside and leaving settled him down in fairly short order. But boy, that was tiring.

Then we came home. No nap, lots of Tom and Jerry on TV (MaMa sent a DVD, and J loves it), lots of playing with trucks, and he ate little mini corn dogs until I thought he'd pop. Then I made the mistake of putting the baby keyboard on the computer and letting him play with it. He's just about outgrown it, but he still likes to play with it, and the little programs are as annoying as all get out. But we stayed on for about 40 minutes before it was time to turn the computer off. And he howled over that. When exactly do they get past having quite so many tantrums?! He's snoring now, though, and bedtime wasn't particularly difficult (we've had worse).

And now for something completely different. Last night was really the first time I haven't known for sure where K was. The times either of us has been out, we've let the other one know where we were going. I knew he had plans Friday night, but I didn't know where. I didn't know for sure where he was today. It was kind of odd. But I reckon the exact details of his comings and goings aren't mine to know anymore, and I guess the same could be said of him knowing the specifics of what I do. It's kind of weird, getting used to that when you've known everything about a person for so long, not to know anymore. But as long as he has his cell phone and can be reached in case of emergency, he's a grown man, he can do as he pleases.

And now for something even more completely different. I started reading a really interesting book last night. I've had it in my bookcase for a long time, but only picked it up last night because I was out of other things to read. It's called The Dance of the Dissident Daughter by Sue Monk Kidd. It's her story of, as she puts it, her "journey from Christian tradition to the sacred feminine." It's very thought-provoking, and I see a lot of myself and my mother in her words. But I can't really explain it right now, I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it. I have a feeling this is one of those books I'll have to read more than once to really make sense of it.

Now, I'm off to enjoy a bubble bath, and I'm hoping J surprises me and sleeps in like he did this morning!

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