Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Absolute insanity.

That's what this day has turned into. I went to the doctor this morning about my wrists - biggest waste of time ever. I was going through the workers' comp process at work, and the doctor I saw basically told me that he couldn't tell me much since my wrists weren't hurting today. He pretty much said, you're fine, just pay attention to how you're sitting at the computer, take some Advil if it hurts, and come back if it gets really bad. Gee, thanks, that was worth missing the better part of a morning at work for. If it hurts again, screw workers' comp, I'm going to my regular doctor.

Then our team went out for a birthday lunch for one of my co-workers - nice lunch, but we were gone for two hours. There goes the morning.

Now I'm back, I have callbacks and reviews that are going to expire if I don't do something with them today and research to do, and I haven't even looked at my inbox. And it's 2:00 already. AACK. I'm trying to figure out what *has* to get done today and tackle that first. It sucks when your job can get so insane that you dread taking time off for any reason.

More later....


Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Stuck, the appointment was through our workers' comp provider, so at least I didn't spend any money on it. I just wasted the better part of a morning (2 1/2 hours). What really killed me - I had to wait half an hour after seeing the doctor to get discharge paperwork! Now that's just nuts. If the pain comes back, screw workers' comp, I'm going to my regular doctor.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ho!!
You sound like you may have carpel tunnel syndrome. I am not a doc and I do have carpel tunnel syndrome in both wrists. I strongly encourage you to see a doc who is knowledgeable about carpel tunnel or repeatitive stress syndrome. You probably type all day and use a mouse with a wheel or several buttons that you click. The goal to prevent this happening is to sit in ergonomic chair with elbows in, type with wrists straight and feet flat on the floor. Take a look at for a differently shaped mouse that will change the motion you use to click. Think about sleeping in carpel tunnel hand braces which are available at drug stores. If you do push ups for strength training, stop. Any motion that puts pressure on your wrists is not good. There are yoga postures for the wrists that are helpful.
If you want more info, let me know.

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Thanks, Azalea! I was concerned that might be the problem, but I still have no idea what it is. :/ It's weird, the pain is very hit-or-miss, there's no one thing that sets it off, and it's not always the same kind of pain. I do pay attention to how I sit at the computer, and I'm pretty good with the ergonomic stuff. Maybe if I pay closer attention, that will help.

And push-ups, me?! Never!!! Thanks for the laugh at that mental image. LOL
