Thursday, January 20, 2005

This is a bad day.

No, nothing particularly bad has happened. I'm just unmotivated, don't want to work, and can't seem to make myself care about my job right now. I'm hoping it's just because I'm tired. Tonight, no staying up late - when J settles, I'm going to bed. Whatever's on the computer will just have to wait, because I've got to get more sleep than I have been. Maybe a good night's rest (more than four hours' worth) will improve my outlook.

1 comment:

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Stuck, I lied - I *did* get on the computer last night! Baaaaaaaad Lisa!!!! It's so slow, though, that it's hardly worth the effort until I can get more memory (if not a whole new computer). I just hate that I can't check my e-mail from work, and the evenings are the only time I have to do it at home (if J sees the computer on, he wants to go to the Bob the Builder site and play games! LOL). Whatever is a girl to do?!
