Wednesday, June 22, 2005

And the freak show continues...

Another goodie on one of my meet-and-greet boards: A guy sends me a message, subject line asks if I like poems. The message is - you guessed it, a poem. The poem is one he's apparently written - whether just for me or something he had in his collection of writings, I don't know. It wasn't terrible. But what really stands out is that it mentions moonlight and nudity, and that seems a bit forward coming from someone I don't know from Adam and have never communicated with before. Who knows, maybe this is perfectly normal, and I'm the freak for finding it odd.


Chris said...

Lisa, I don't mean to sound too rude...
But would you agree to meet a dude?
Poetry is what I write,
under the glowing moonlight.
Meet me for dinner, then let's get nude.

Sorry, that popped in my head while reading your post.

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Yeah, yeah, Chris, promises, promises. LOL But I've *talked* to you before (at least online), so you can get away with it! :)