Tuesday, June 07, 2005

A bit of wisdom from a Starbucks cup

I got a coffee this morning. The Starbucks cups have little blurbs on them now entitled "The Way I See It", quotes from a variety of people. I liked this morning's, from Deepak Chopra:

The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.

Perhaps that was why boys never paid attention to me growing up, because I didn't really love myself. It's taken me lo, these many years (37 as of tomorrow) to realize that I really do deserve to be loved, I really am a good person, and maybe that's making a difference for me.

And speaking of Starbucks, I got a lovely birthday surprise on my desk at work. I'm on a committee that's responsible for event planning, volunteer opportunities, things of that sort, and we make sure everyone who has a birthday gets a little something - a card and a muffin, or, if you know what your birthday buddy likes, you can get them something they'll enjoy. My birthday buddy happened to be one of my team members, and she got me a Starbucks card! Woo!!! Does she know me well or what? :)

My interview is in three hours. Eek. I'm nervous. I'm trying not to be - I mean, if they didn't see *something* worthwhile in me, I don't think they'd have bothered to talk to me, internal or not. But still.... I just hope it goes well. The timing sucks, 12:45 - I don't want to eat before then, for fear that I'll dribble food on myself (yeah, that would make a good impression! LOL), but if I wait until after then, there's not much of a selection left (I didn't bring anything today, since I overslept).

Oh, yes, the morning started off with me oversleeping. J was restless last night, crying in his sleep about 1:15 and 4:15, and waking up soaked at 5:00. I got him changed and back to sleep, and I thought, hmm, perhaps I should go on and get up. Then I thought, nah, I'd like that extra 20 minutes of sleep. And I proceeded to hit snooze until 6:20. EEK. Talk about hitting the ground running. Poor J didn't even get to watch TV this morning, we had to dress and dash!

And now, I'd better get some work done. It's piling up!

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