Thursday, June 09, 2005


I'm tired. Last night J fought bedtime for all he was worth. He didn't fuss much, just didn't sleep. We changed underpants FIVE times - he was insistent that he had to change on the sofa. The first couple of times I figured, if it gets him to go to sleep, it's not a big deal to essentially waste the underpants. By the third time, though, I'd had just about enough. At one point he got out of bed and came wandering down the hall, and he very, very seldom dooes that. Finally I told him that the next sound I heard out of that room had better be snoring, and after some rustling and squirming and trying to get situated, he finally obliged. It was after 10:00 at that point, though, and J was up and raring to go by 6:20. Eight hours of sleep is NOT enough for a not-quite-three-year-old. I told his teacher this morning that he'd probably want to take a long nap, but for her to please, please wake him up! We'll see. Maybe tonight he'll be so tired he'll crash at 8:30, and maybe I will, too.

Just another day in paradise. I'd better get back to my pile of work!

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