Thursday, June 30, 2005

Well, crap.

I was slammed all day long at work today - it never stopped. We're talking about raises next week. Our manager has said he got a total of 2.5% of our team's combined base salaries to allocate as raises. Being as how the most any of us could get, given that fact, would be a 2.5% raise, and being as how our team leader just got a (well-deserved) promotion (and the money for the pay increase will come out of the amount allocated for raises), I'm thinking it will be slim pickings for the rest of the team as far as raises go. So I'm not expecting a raise - that way I won't be as disappointed if I don't get one.

And I got a rejection e-mail from the job I interviewed for a few weeks ago. :-( That sucks. Oh well, I have that other one coming up soon, so maybe this just clears the way for them to make me a really good offer and me to take it. I hope so, I'd love to have some good news! Either that, or it's just the universe's way of telling me to suck up and make the best of it where I am, I haven't decided which yet.

No family visit this weekend after all - K's dad is having surgery tomorrow afternoon. Just laparoscopic, to remove a kidney stone, but he certainly won't feel like getting in a car for a seven-hour drive afterward. I'm sorry he's having to have the surgery, but I'm kind of glad not to have extra people in the house for three days. So J will stay with his dad this weekend, as per the regular schedule, and I'll have some time to myself. I think I need it. I just want to be alone, maybe read a book or play the piano, or even just take a nap. I need some time to myself to recharge.

And right now, I think I'll go have a bubble bath. No e-mails I really need to answer, nothing I particularly *need* to do on the computer, and J's toys are all put away. I could do another load of wash (I swear, the laundry multiplies like rabbits when I'm not looking, I never seem to get it all done!), or finish cleaning the kitchen. Nah, a bubble bath sounds like more fun.

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