Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Can I just kick something?!

It's that damned dependent care reimbursement again. I was told yesterday that my request had processed Monday and would be in my account today. But is it there? No. So I called. The woman I got was most understanding at my distress, and she assured me it was in fact processed on Monday, and should be there - within 2 to 3 days. So it might not be there until tomorrow. Or with the holiday, until Friday. Maybe it will show up after noon today. She couldn't tell me why it wasn't there. Meanwhile, my checking account sits in overdraft and no doubt incurs fees on top of fees. Fuck. Happy Thanksgiving, huh?! My old job may have had its faults, but the dependent care reimbursement there was *never* this much of a pain in the ass to deal with.

Can 2004 just be over already, so I can start fresh in 2005?!?!?!?

1 comment:

Christine said...

Hi Lisa!

I'd love to send you a gmail invite, but I need your email address. Send me a quick note to kabiel at gmail dot com and I'll get it out to you!