Sunday, December 19, 2004

Another weekend come and gone

Not much to write that's particularly exciting. I got Christmas shopping finished up this weekend, which is nice. It's been especially nice shopping with a budget and without credit cards - it's wonderful knowing that I won't have a crapload of new debt to deal with after the holidays. :-) Now I just have to keep things out of sight of the monkey man for a few more days. And no, it's not enough to wrap the presents - then he'll just want to "unlemp" (his word for "unwrap" or "open") them!

I'm still feeling somewhat puny. Whatever I've got, sinus, allergies, barking crud, seems to be determined to hang on. I don't feel bad enough to miss work or go to the doctor, necessarily, just bad enough to whine about it.

It's kind of funny - since K and I talked a few days ago, I've felt much less stressed about things. It's like now I know we've reached a sort of resolution. I may not know a specific time frame, but at least I think I know the direction things are heading. And knowing is much preferable to not knowing, so it's a relief to have talked about it. Yeah, there are still things in my life that aren't the way I want them to be for the long term, yeah, finances aren't great, yeah, my job is less than stellar, but it will all work out. Eventually. :-)

And tomorrow is another Monday - blech. At least it's a four-day week.

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