Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Ugh. Is it time to go home yet?! I have my review coming up with my manager next week. I just hope they don't say, "hmm, you really aren't picking up on this as quickly as we'd hoped, no job for you." I keep telling myself, if anything were that bad, surely there would be some warning involved. Gotta work on my time management skills if I have a prayer of staying on top of this insane amount of work.

I bought myself a bottle of Damiana liqueur last night. I found it mentioned in a little drink recipe book I bought, and thought it sounded interesting. I'll have to make something with it and see what I think - I did open the bottle last night, it smelled really good!

I'll write more later, I'm supposed to go see my counselor at 2:00, and I've got so much going on, I hate to take the time away from my desk. And I've got to pack up stuff for the upcoming move, fun fun!!

1 comment:

Mo said...

You might serve Damiana Rita's at your party, that would start to boost the sales. I didn't like the taste of it straight and MG really didn't like it, but if its mixed it might not be bad.