Thursday, December 23, 2004

It's Friday for me.

That's because we're closed tomorrow - WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm at work today. The roads were all right this morning, and traffic was light - I guess lots of people are taking off for the holiday weekend. The only bad thing is, I totally overslept. I didn't wake up until I heard J calling at 7:15. YIKES. Somehow I still managed to make it here by 8:30, though, which isn't too bad.

And now I'm here, and I'm so overwhelmed I don't know what to focus on first. I'm still feeling just beat down today. Too much to do, I can't get it all done, and no matter what I try to do, someone will still be unhappy with me about something. I've got to make a phone call today regarding that thing I screwed up (called the person I need to talk to yesterday, he was out, we've played phone tag, now it's my turn to call) - yeah, I'm really looking forward to a phone call where I know someone will be yelling at me. *SIGH* Logically I know I'm not stupid, I know I'm not incompetent, but this job sure does its level best to make me feel that way every day.

I'd better get back to it. It feels like the day is dragging, but hopefully 5:00 will be here before I know it. Yeah, that's right, 5:00 - I have to work all day the day before a holiday, and that sucks, too.

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